Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Name of the Wind 91 - Epilogue

Chapter 91
Kote continues to run into Denna, always in the company of a wealthy suitor. Each time, in true friend zone style, he comforts himself by saying although they may be getting intimate with her, they will never be as close friends with her as he is. At the House of the Wind, Kote lets loose the note Denna left for him. Depending which way it blows out of the square, it should give him a prediction of what will happen, but it stays circling the courtyard. Kote then hints that Ambrose eventually found a way to get him expelled.

Each time Denna comes up, I feel a little sadder for Kote. He keeps pining away for her and despite being brave in other aspects of his life, he is always too scared to declare himself to her.

Chapter 92
Back at the inn, Kote stops his story for the night. Chronicler is having a hard time falling asleep. He barricades the door to the room and is finally able to nod off. He wakes up to find Bast in the room. Bast reveals he has been starting rumors that Kote is here, in order to bring about anything that might snap Kote out of his stupor. He had expected some sort of enemy to show up, but Chronicler was a stroke of luck, giving Kote a reason to think and talk about his heroic deeds. We learn that Bast encouraged him to write a memoir, but Kote gave it up pretty quickly, although he still has the crumpled up pages. Bast warns chronicler to keep Kote focused on positive topics, and not to bring up music or why he doesn't do sympathy any more. When Chronicler protests about remaining neutral, Bast threatens him very seriously. He shows Chronicler that his iron necklace of protection won't be enough to protect him. He then acts courteously again before leaving out the window.

Whoa, Bast gets into full scary Fae mode! I like it! Hope to see some of Bast's backstory in the next book. So far, telling the story doesn't seem to have quite as much effect as Bast hopes for, but we shall see how it goes on the next day.

Kote sits at his desk, the crumpled memoir pages still sitting on top of it while he tries to ignore them.

Nice device to bring the book full circle. I really like the framing device of one book per night of storytelling. I did feel like we left in the middle of things, without anything nicely tied up - except we did resolve the issue of getting back into the archives. Hopefully it won't get him into even more trouble with Lorren. Really hope we get an explanation of how the wind tipped him off to the entrance and how he got through the  4 plate door.

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