Monday, May 9, 2016

Game of Thrones - Season 6 Episode 3 The Gift

The Tower of Joy.


This is he scene all book readers have been waiting for.  Did it live up to the hype? I think so.

First we see Gerold Hightower and legendary badass Arthur Dayne of the Kingsguard.  Ned and co. Ride up and a fight ensues. A few people get knocked out of the fight and now it's four against one. And Dayne kills them off one at a time, until it's just him and Ned. Looks like there's no way Ned can beat him, and then -- Reed goes for a backstab, doing heavy damage with the 4x multiplier.  Ned delivers the coup de grace.

Was it dishonorable? I'd say no more than fighting four versus one, where the whole point would be to flank him and get in a blow from the side or behind.  And Ned always said Reed saved him in that fight, so it's not like he's been lying about it.

We cut out before we get a reveal of the scene inside the tower -- BOO!

Jaime and Cersei go to a small council meeting, reasonably point out that Dorne is an issue to be discussed, and get rebuffed by Ser Kevan et al.  This will come back to haunt them, I'm sure, especially Pyecelle, who was smack talking The Mountain that Shambles.

Anyone else think of Team America: World Police during Arya's training montage?

Maybe I misinterpreted, but it seemed like the Waif slapped her for telling a lie when she said she had 4 brothers -- because Jon Snow is not her brother?? R + L = J clue?

The Umber leader showing up at Winterfell, seeing through all of Ramsay's BS was great, just wish he hadn't brought Rickon as a gift.  Seems like Ramsay's storyline is going to go backwards - yet another former Stark household member for him to torture.  I for one am not interested in seeing that. Ramsay riding to Castle Black has a lot more potential, I hope they go that route.

GoT did a fan service by focusing on Olly's face in that last scene.  I think few were upset to see him get what was coming. And the Jon walks away, leaving Ed as the new Lord Commander (mmmm I don't think that's how it works). What's his next move? I'm intrigued.

Unsolicited advice for the producers:

Danny has dragons. As long as that's the case, we have limited interest for Meerenese politics, Khal widow intrigues, and anything else. Let's get back to the dragons.

Ramsay's an awful dude. We get it. No need to show more torture.

Where are the White Walkers?  There's a big existential threat North of the wall but for some reason they are taking their sweet time.  Let's bring them into play already!

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